Minutes – July 21, 2017


The meeting of the BPKSA was called to order at 11:30am by Crystal in the BPK Conference Room.


In Attendance:

Crystal, Emily C, Jaskarn, Leo, Emily B, Katie, Erina, Tyler, Brandon


Open Issues:

1) Summer Kin Cup

-Thursday July 27th 3:30-5:30pm

-Tell your friends to come to the event, even if you cannot make it yourself!

-Best option for staff/faculty

-Many BPKSA members will not be able to make this date/time

-10 staff confirmed availability

-Post event on SFU 2017 and BPKSA Facebook groups

-Tentative schedule

3:30-3:45 warm up

3:45-4:15 ultimate Frisbee

4:15-4:20 break

4:20-4:50 capture the flag

4:50-4:55 break

4:55-5:30 soccer

-Club soccer will start at 5:30 so we need to finish on time

-Erina mentioned Kin Cup at the department meeting yesterday

-Message crystal if you can help move goal posts earlier on Thursday

-Advertise – website, Facebook, word of mouth, Weekly Digest


2) BPK 101

-Book a BPK Classroom with screen or projector and BPK 142 lab

-Need room for ~30 students

-Brenda is leaving for vacation and wants to know the details as soon as possible

-Crystal will send Sonya new pictures for survival guide

-Mock scavenger hunt on August 4th

-BPKSA meeting August 1st to finalize event details

-Emily B will email professors asking if they are available September 8th


3) Social Event

-Erina made a list of prices for events

-Events to include in Facebook poll: bouldering, paint ball, hiking, painting, wings night


4) BPK Back to School Sale


-4imprint prices were significantly cheaper, but we would need to order in bulk

-Decided against ordering in bulk until we know which items will be popular

-Incorporate bake sale into clothing sale

-Food safe certification is offered Friday August 25th through SFSS (there may be a $20 fee)

-DSUs are discussing use of Entropy, but this will not be in place for another year or so



Jaskarn motioned to reimburse Emily Chinn $88.95 for food for BPK Peer Mentorship Training from the core account. Brandon seconded it. Motion was passed unanimously.



The meeting of the BPKSA was adjourned by Crystal at 12:10pm in the BPK Conference Room. The next meeting will be held on Friday, July 28, 2017 at 11:30am in the BPK Conference Room.