Minutes – March 13, 2018


The meeting of the BPKSA was called to order at 11:45am by Crystal in the BPK Conference Room. Minimum quorum of 4 executive members reached.


In Attendance:

Crystal Lefebvre ……….……………………………………………………………………………………. President

Jaskarn Grewal …………………………………………………………………………………………. Treasurer

Emily Chinn.…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Secretary

Nicole Whittle..……………………………………………………………… Kin Department Representative

Ningning Cheung …………………………………………………………………. SFSS Forum Representative

Emily Boyco ………………………………………………………….………………… External Relations Officer

Emily Ponton


Open Issues:

1) Approval of Previous Minutes

  • Jaskarn motioned to approve the meeting minutes of 2018-03-06. Emily P seconded. Minutes approved unanimously


2) Kin Cup

  • Emily B will book the gym for Thursday March 29th 5:30-7:30
  • Gym booking costs $62/hour
  • Equipment needed: 10 foam balls, 20 rubber balls, 3 futsal balls, 3 basketballs, score chart
  • We estimate $200 should cover the cost of gym and equipment rental
  • See motion below


3) Trivia Night

  • Sports and BPK categories now have 10 questions each
  • We still need 5 more questions for the pop culture category


4) Year End Party

  • Wednesday April 4th 5:30
  • Emily B will ask Club Ilia for a buffet menu
  • We will motion to submit a grant next week




Emily P motioned to contribute $20 towards the $200 SFSS grant for the Kin Cup event from the core account. Emily B seconded it. Motion was passed unanimously.


Jaskarn motioned to reimburse Meghan Crombie $187.49 for purchasing BPK Clothing Sale heart t-shirts from the core account. Nicole seconded it. Motion was passed unanimously.




The meeting of the BPKSA was adjourned by Crystal at 12:20pm in the BPK Conference Room. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at 11:30am in the BPK Conference Room.