Feb 23 2015 Meeting Minutes

Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology Students Association

Meeting Minutes

Monday February 23, 2015



The meeting of the BPKSA was called to order by Loryn at 12:30 pm in the BPK Conference Room


In Attendance:

Sam, Shaila, Steven M, Steven O, Josh, Loryn, Garveen, Matt, Ian, Megan


Open Issues



March 23rd, 2015, 5:30-7:30 pm in East Gym

-Loryn paid a total of $190.50 for KIN Cup

-add score clock to contract instead of the scoreboard

-Sam motioned to reimburse Loryn $190.50 for KIN Cup. Matt seconded the motion.   The motion was unanimously approved

-BPK Staff is highly interested; Matt sent out the email to faculty

-we will begin promotions for the event closer to the date of the event

-Ashly & Matt will buy the food

-need to get the KIN cup trophy updated

-need to add the following victories: 2013-2014: staff, 2012-2013:

undergraduates, 2011-2012: undergraduates

-Loryn will ask Ashly to update this

-games will be best of 3 depending on who shows up



-can only get the table for March 16th which is too late and therefore we wont have the table

-we’ll instead set up outside the BPK Co-op office where we will collect theorder form & the money

-table will be set up from March 4th to 6th next week from 11 am to 2 pm

-we will also set up for this week at the co-op office to showcase the clothing + the

posters showcasing the new items & the new designs

-this will allow people to take a look @ sizes

-Matt will draw up the schedule for table shifts

-Josh made the poster & Ian will be printing it out from the SFSS

-we authorize 15 colour copies of the poster

-deadline for the orders will be March 6th; Josh will send an email to Sophie to email out to the department

-the order form will be attached to the email sent out

-Classroom Promotions

-advertise clothing sale & new items in the classroom promotions, hand out order forms

-Things to mention in the classroom promotions:

-payments & order forms are due next week by next Friday, March 6th @ the

BPK Co-op office where we are set up

-will be cash & cheque only

-Classroom Promotion Assignments

-BPK 305: Matt & Sam

-BPK 304W: anyone in this course can do the promotion

-BPK 143: Loryn will ask Alex

-BPK 207: Shaila

-BPK 142: Brent

-BPK 306: Megan

-BPK 402: Steven M & Sam

-BPK 444: Loryn & Garveen

-BPK 326: Josh

-BPK 340: Ian

-need to do class visit ASAP since we want to get the orders in next Friday as soon as the order forms are in

-we will also be ordering extras


Meeting with Dr. Glen Tibbits:

-Dr. Tibbits wants to have a meeting with the BPKSA to discuss concerns, things going well, pros/cons of the program

-Josh sent out a survey to the undergraduates & heard back from 65 people; some general patterns with the responses were:

-inconsistency in marking, courses heavy relative to other departments, issues with

gender & religion in upper division courses labs that require touching (want to see a

gender separation in courses), course scheduling, course offerings

-Every coming up Monday works well for us; Loryn will confirm with Dr. Tibbits & get back to us



KIN Games:

-Lea emailed Loryn about using the BPKSA travel funding from the SFSS for KIN Games

-Shaila made the motion for KIN Games to receive the BPKSA travel grant from the SFSS. Ian seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved


High School Visits:

Darleen wanted us to brainstorm ways of reaching out to high school students; the Dean of Science wants to do promotions to high schools to attract students to Science

-wanted to do calling campaigns like ours, but it might turn out unsuccessful

-would be a better idea to maybe send student recruiters to the high schools

-the faculty could pay undergraduates to go to high schools in their areas to promote

Science to the grade 12’s; -$25 to compensate gas is how the department pays back

-can also send out letters next year; this is what we’ll be doing for the new BPK students

coming in next year

-Josh will email Darleen & let her know what we discussed



The meeting of the BPKSA was adjourned by Loryn at 1:30 pm in the BPK Conference Room. The next meeting will be held on Monday March 2nd , 2015 in the BPK Conference Room at 12:30 pm.


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