Minutes – May 14, 2018


The meeting of the BPKSA was called to order at 12:45pm by Crystal in the BPK Conference Room. Minimum quorum of 4 executive members reached.


In Attendance:

Crystal Lefebvre ……….……………………………………………………………………………………. President

Emily Chinn.…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Secretary

Nicole Whittle..……………………………………………………………… Kin Department Representative

Emily Boyco ………………………………………………………….………………… External Relations Officer

Katie Smolik

Brittany Wakely

Emily Ponton

Arman Mohseni

Alam Khehra


Open Issues:

1) Approval of Previous Minutes

  • Emily P motioned to approve the meeting minutes of 2018-04-23. Alam seconded. Minutes approved unanimously.


2) Elected Positions

  • Elections will be held next meeting, Monday May 28th
  • Open positions: Secretary, SFSS Forum Representative, and Promotional Coordinator


3) Summer Kin Cup

  • Last year the difficult was getting undergrads to attend the event
  • Advertise more to students living in residence, SFU Rec Intramurals, and Kin Games people
  • Music and snacks/juice
  • Social at Club Ilia after the event
  • Include food for appetizers in the grant
  • Emily B will look into availability for Field #4 during the week of June 11 and 18, preferably a Wednesday




Emily P motioned to reimburse Meghan Crombie $21.91 from the summer core account to renew the Namecheap services for the BPKSA website. Arman seconded it. Motion was passed unanimously.


Emily B motioned to reimburse Meghan Crombie $250.20 from the summer core account to renew the Hostgator services for the BPKSA website. Emily P seconded it. Motion was passed unanimously.


Brittany motioned to reimburse Meghan Crombie $503.72 from the trust account for the BCAK heart shirts. Emily B seconded it. Motion was passed unanimously.



The meeting of the BPKSA was adjourned by Crystal at 1:17pm in the BPK Conference Room. The next meeting will be held on Monday, May 28, 2018 at 12:30pm in the BPK Conference Room.